
What Makes Charlie’s Soap Truly Biodegradable?

What Makes Charlie’s Soap Truly Biodegradable?

Biodegradable has become a big green buzz word. While not everything that’s biodegradable is good for the planet, it’s definitely a good place to start. By breaking down into non-harmful substances, biodegradable materials minimize their long-term effect on the environment. 


Charlie’s Soap has biodegradable products all the way down to our roots. When you use Charlie’s, you can be sure that you’re using biodegradable materials. But what exactly does “biodegradable” mean—and why does it matter so much? Let’s get into the nitty gritty of biodegradable cleaning with Charlie’s Soap. 

The Ins and Outs of Biodegradable Products

There’s lots of science involved, but the short and the long of it—something is biodegradable if it’s capable of breaking down into its base parts, like non-harmful carbon compounds and minerals. When non-biodegradable products, like most detergents, are sloughed off as waste, they take a long time before they begin breaking down. Worst of all, their slow process of decomposition can lead to damaging chemicals that enter the soil, atmosphere, and even the waterways. These pose a significant risk to flora and fauna in the area. 


Biodegradable products stick with natural ingredients that break down quickly and naturally. This makes for products that leave the smallest possible impact on the planet. 

Our Stance on Additives 

Unfortunately, it can be pretty tricky to find truly biodegradable cleaning products. In the end, it really comes down to the ingredients. Many traditional cleaning companies pack in perfumes, dyes, synthetic fragrances, bleaches, and other nasty fillers. These are bad for lots of reasons, including the fact that very few of these additives are biodegradable. Laundry detergents and softeners are often the most at-risk. Most detergent manufacturers load their products up with synthetic fragrances in an attempt to bottle up the smell of freshly cleaned laundry. By doing so, they tank the biodegradability of their product. Since laundry products end up in the waterways, these detergents can go on to wreck havoc on the natural ecosystem. 


At Charlie’s Soap, we’re all about a true clean, whether it’s in our detergents or our household cleaners. That means our products are completely free of damaging additives and synthetic fillers. By passing on the chemical cocktail, we’re able to stick with biodegradable materials that don’t damage the planet. 

Simple = Sustainable 

If you’ve ever taken a look at the mile-long ingredient list on regular cleaning products, you know that they’re full of unrecognizable ingredients—lots of them. These ingredients are complex compounds that take much longer to break down than natural alternatives. 


Charlie’s Soap keeps all of our ingredient lists short and sweet. We stick with straightforward combinations that work to lift dirt, grime, and stains. As our products are made with simple, natural ingredients, they break down quickly and effectively. That’s one reason that our products surpass the standards for biodegradability

Green Ingredients for the Win 

Charlie’s Soap knows that green living shouldn’t come at the cost of a deep clean. Though our products won’t cause an ecological crisis, they’re sure to send dirt, grime, and stains running. When you opt for our expertly-formulated biodegradable products, you’re getting more than an eco-friendly cleaner—you’re getting an eco-friendly cleaner that actually cleans! 

Upgrade to Biodegradable 

We share your commitment to the environment. Whether you’re dealing with hard water laundry woes, deep-set stains, or household cleaning struggles, our powerful cleaners help you take it on without sacrificing your dedication to the planet. Once our cleaners attack residue, dirt, and grime, they’ll rinse completely away, quickly break down, and leave you with a clean conscience—and a clean, for life. Take on a new level of green living with biodegradable cleaning products from Charlie’s Soap. Shop now! 

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